Start An MSA Club or Community Today!
Clubs & communities can add unique and fun opportunities to your student life and being part of one can even be added to your co-curricular record. Read about current Clubs and Communities on Ignite News! If you want to start a new club or community, the steps on how to do so are outlined below.
Step 1 - Email Specialist
Contact the Clubs & Communities Specialist, Hibo Ahmed, by emailing to get started.
Step 2 - Learn The Policies
Get familiar with our policies by downloading the Clubs & Communities Policy (PDF, 137KB).
Step 3 - Complete Application
Once you have read through the Clubs and Communities Policy, fill out the ratification form. If you are re-ratifying a Club or Community that existed previously, you can use that same form.
Step 4 - Leadership Training
To better equip you as a Club & Community leader, leadership training will be provided.
Step 5 - Application Review
Your application will be reviewed by the MSA Clubs and Communities Team.
Step 6 - Approval Notice
Once the application review has been completed, a status update will then be provided.