Equipment Loan Services
The MSA has calculators, lab coats and safety glasses, blood pressure cuffs, and stethoscopes to loan to any Mohawk College student who needs one for a test, exam, lab, etc. Free of charge.
Since we are back on campus, our Equipment Loan services will continue to help students in need online OR in person. If you have classes on campus you can borrow equipment at the Fennell Campus MSA Office (Room G109), the IAHS campus in room 112 or the Stoney Creek Campus in room A125. If you need to borrow a piece of equipment and have classes online ONLY, please request equipment by emailing or using the chat feature.
Fennell Campus |
IAHS Campus |
Stoney Creek Campus |
- Calculators
- Lab coats
- Safety glasses
- Blood pressure cuffs
- Calculators
- Lab coats
- Stethoscopes
- Blood pressure cuffs
- Nurse watches
- Calculators
- Safety glasses
- Welding gloves
Laptop & Internet Loans
Contact North | Contact Nord is here to help if you need to study virtually but don’t have the right equipment. Laptops and modems are available for students taking remote or web-based courses – at no cost.
You must meet each requirement to be eligible for this student technology loan service. Refer to the requirements below.

You need a laptop or internet access to complete your online program or course(s).

You are an Ontario resident and are 18 years old or older.

You must return the equipment to us in good working order.
To get started…
First, you must reach out to the Student Information Hotline (1-877-999-9149) to apply and be placed on a waitlist. They will ask you to provide the following information:
First and last name
Phone number, email, and home address
The school you're attending and the program that you're in, including your course(s) and course code(s)
Start and end date of each online course
Please note, the waitlist is currently quite lengthy.
Here are some alternate options available to students who wish to access a laptop:
- Go to one of our Contact North l Contact Nord online learning centres or access points to use a computer and internet for free.
- Check if your local public library has computer stations you can use.
- Apply with the reBOOT Canada Program (reSTART). Ensure you review the eligibility requirements before applying.
- Apply with RCTech OUTREACH. Ensure you review the eligibility requirements prior to applying.