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Monthly MSA Board Meeting Minutes

The MSA Board of Directors meets monthly to decide on pieces that affect the organization and ensure it aligns with our five-year strategic plan. They also decide on priority items related to advocacy initiatives that impact and improve the student experience on campus and beyond.

Do you want to attend an upcoming board meeting?

Attend the next monthly board meeting as an observer and learn how the MSA Board of Directors makes advocacy decisions based on student feedback. Develop, strengthen, and add to your awareness of college, municipal, provincial, and federal affairs and discover how the Board amplifies the collective voice of students to the countries' changemakers. Email with your first and last name and student number to sign up to attend the next meeting in-person (space is limited) or virtually using Microsoft Teams.

Board Meeting Details

Cost: Free for students to attend

Date: Wednesday, October 30

Time: 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Location: Fennell Campus, The MSA Board Room

Continue reading below to learn about the Board’s decisions during previous meetings.

The MSA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 25, 2024

On September 25, the Board completed the By-Law changes to be sent to the membership for final approval. These changes are integral to how the MSA governs itself and how it aligns with the Ontario Non-Profit Corporates Act (ONCA). Our Board also approved to become full members of the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA). This national student advocacy group works with student unions and associations across Canada. This membership between MSA and CASA will ensure that Mohawk College students' perspectives are represented and advocated for by the Federal Government.

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